I’m getting old

2 min readMay 12, 2023


Time flies, they say!!!

Photo by Glen Hodson on Unsplash

Days go by and time flies

unveiling life’s precious ties;

that’s how fast I’m getting old

How swift the golden sand slip through the fingers,

and life’s moments vanish in a blink of an eye;

that's how fast I’m getting old

When summer goes and autumn sets in;

and trees lose their leaves in just a matter of days;

that's how fast I’m getting old

Life has passed so quick through these years;

and scars of the past etched upon my face;

That’s how fast I’m getting old

Hi my name is A. I do not write much on medium but when I do, I write about the culture, travel and tourism of Pakistan, however, this is my first attempt at writing poetry. I do not know how I developed interest in poetry but have found myself reading short poetry and prose pieces from young writers here on this platform for the past few months now.

Never in my wildest thoughts did I think about writing poetry ever. However, I’ve been reflecting upon myself, the passage of time and how quickly we are growing old. I’ve tried to capture that in the form of poetry.

Started writing this piece a few months ago, but I was not able to complete it and so it remained unpublished on my shelf for a long time. This may be because I lack the courage to express myself or I’m afraid that people might ridicule my thoughts. Anyways, I mustered up some courage, tried to complete that short poem and have now finally published it.

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Thank you once again!!!

